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Thursday, August 28, 2008


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Lavinia Weissman

Nick, give me a call some time ---- www.laviniaweissman.com

I honestly doubt you are "retiring."

Rita Schwab

I feel a sense of loss and I don't even work for Windber. However, I'm sure you'll continue to offer valuable contributions to healthcare in the years to come.

Best wishes.


Sorry to hear that you are retiring. You should start a mentorship program offering your expertise to other would be healthcare execs. I will be the first in line to listen to what you have to say. Best wishes for a long relaxing and I suspect well earned retirement Mr. Jacobs.

bibi hahn

You go Nick. I'm really sorry to hear that you're retiring. Esp. if that medi-mall is being built so close to you. So many hospitals, as well as medical practices, are becoming walmarts of medicine.

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