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Friday, July 11, 2008


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Karthik Raman

Nick-This is a cool post. Thanks for sharing this with the blogosphere. I like the way you ended this post with..polite, nurturing, tlc. No matter how high tech medical science gets, quality of care will always depend on the human touch.
On the high tech front I would like to add Smart Rooms. Smart rooms is a technology that makes patient rooms aware of people in it and displays the right information at the right time. It even reminds doctors and nurses to saitize their hands.

Karthik Raman

I like how you ended the list with nurturing tender care. No matter how hi-tech the hospital of the future is, we will still need caring individuals to improve our health. Sure, they may be more empowered, better informed and well placed to make decisions.
Here is something I would like to add to this list..
Smart Rooms - Patient rooms that are aware of who enters, what they need to look at and when..http://healthcaremanagementblog.com/smart-patient-rooms/

Karthik Raman

I like how you ended the list with nurturing tender care. No matter how hi-tech the hospital of the future is, we will still need caring individuals to improve our health. Sure, they may be more empowered, better informed and well placed to make decisions.
Here is something I would like to add to this list..
Smart Rooms - Patient rooms that are aware of who enters, what they need to look at and when..http://healthcaremanagementblog.com/smart-patient-rooms/

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