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Thursday, July 24, 2008


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Jim Farrell

Hello Nicholas, how are you? You have a great blog. I am the host of the blog and podcast show "Business Bits With Jim Farrell" I was doing research on a blog post I am writing on "Social Media For Health Care Professionals" and came across your blog. I am about 90% complete and looking for a few real life examples of Health Care Professionals using Social Media. My goal is to have about 5 quotes to use on the upcoming blog post. The URLs for my blog is http://blog.business-bits.com and http://www.business-bits.com for my podcast show. Let me know if you would be interested in giving a quote for my blog post on this subject.

Thanks so much for your time.


Jim Farrell

Hello Nicholas, how are you? I have a Blog and Podcast Show called "Business Bits With Jim Farrell" and was doing research for a post I am writing on "Social Media For Health Care Professionals." I am about 90% complete and was researching for a few real life Health Care Professionals that use Social Media for some type of business use. My goal is to have about five quotes from Health Care Professionals in my final post.

Let me know if you would be interested in being quoted in my upcoming blog post. The Blog URL is http://blog.business-bits.com and the Podcast URL is http://www.business-bits.com.

Thanks so much for your time.


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